Pedrollo self priming pumps

pedrollo self priming pumps

pedrollo self priming pumps available in South Africa

Self priming pumps by Pedrollo available in South Africa are of the JSW series. The JSW 1, 2 and 3.

The self priming system developed by Pedrollo is the internal venturi Jet system. Sometimes these units are called jet pumps and are widly used for fresh water extraction form well points or shallow wells.

pedrollo self priming pumps by Pedrollo
self priming pumps by Pedrolo (Jet pump)

These units operate by internally circulating one third of the water into the impeller eye via a venturi priming system. Pedrollo South Africa provides this range of product predominently to domestic users.

The venturi self priming systems are capable of efficiently drawing from depths up to 8 meters at sea level.

The Pedrollo self priming pumps stocked in South Africa are both cast Iron and stainless steel versions of the venturi priming system.

Please call our sales team for further assistance with your pump selection.

Phone +27 31 777 1629

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