borehole pumps

borehole pumps by Pedrollo

Pedrollo borehole pumps

Pedrollo submersible pump options
Pedrollo 4 SR borehole pumps

Borehole testing

When first thinking of installing borehole pumps, testing the borehole for water yield is crucial to the selection of the pump. The yield referes to the volume of water the aquifer one has drilled through or into is capable of providing to you. This is normally measured by the drilling contractor who establishes the yield of the borehole and normally will record this on his certificate. The other test one needs to have done as fast as possible is the water analysis. One needs to be sure the water is ok for human consumption, free of poisons, heavy metals, ecoli, iron, magnesium or saline excesses. The outcomes of these tests will enable you to accurately determine the size of pump, filtration and treatment of the water you will extract for safe and viable consumption by humans, animals or plants.

Submersible water pump

Pedrollo borehole pumps are well renowned for high quality and ready availability. Our range of submersible water pump, borehole pumps, here in South Africa, is the Pedrollo 4 SR 1, as well as the other 4 SR series. Please follow the link at the bottom of the page to access pump data for ourcentrifugal water pumps. Dimension, head and flow curves for the range are a click away on the link below.

Water tanks south africa

When installaing a borehole it is inevitable that one will need a water tank to store the extracted water. The size of the tank is very important and is regulated by not only the capacity of the pump, the usage must also be taken into consideration. We recommend that the tank should be large enough to provide water for one week. So daily consumption multiplied by 7. This will enable one to secure the supply for a reasonable period should there be a breakdown or should some other technical fault develop which renders the deep well pump  unusable.

Solar water pump

Many people are very interested in the solar power route untill they work out the numbers. The solar solution while a really good idea in Africa, can be an expensive option. If one is remote and there is not power to the place you are wnating to establish the borehole, it is almost the only way to go. However one must be aware of the pitfalls and the needs especially here in south Aafrica where a solar power system is like bread to a starving man. It will be stolen in moments if adequate securityis not employed.

Water systems

Water systems include the following:-

  • The borehole pump and motor combination.
  • The well head which is the baseplate which supports the electric cable running to the pump motor, the support line which holds the weigjt of the pump as it hangs in the borehole, the discharge bend and valve at the surface.
  • The pump protection control panel.
  • The water tank
  • The pipe size and length required for the system.
  • A booster pump to take water from the tank to homes, cattle troughs, irrigation sprays etc.

One piece Pedrollo monoblock pumps

Pedrollo monoblock pumps are very popular in areas where the borehoe is not that deep, 30 to 60 meters from surface. This range is supplied with the pump and motor as one piece compared to the Pedrollo 4SR 1 series which has the pump seperate from the motor.

Link to Pedrollo borehole pump (click here)


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